Las Vegas, Nevada, is a fantastic place for bikers. It’s even home to a growing community of race teams, mountain bikers, and roadies. Thousands of motorcycle riders are regularly drawn to the city’s legendary group rides, festivals, and motorcycle bars. You also can’t deny the incredible views of Mount Charleston, Valley of Fire State Park, and Red Rock Canyon. All of this makes Las Vegas, NV an excellent motorcycle rider destination.
With all these enticing views, can you say Las Vegas is safe for motorcycle riders? According to the Las Vegas Review-Journal, the city recorded its 99th and 100th fatal motorcycle crash for this year in September. The first accident happened near East Cheyenne Avenue and North Las Vegas Boulevard. The second one was at Doe Avenue and South Decatur Boulevard. Both motorcycles collided with a pick-up truck.
The Nevada Department of Transportation reported a 24.58% increase in motorcycle fatalities from 2020 to 2021. These cases rose by 100% in May.
One of the reasons for these accidents in Las Vegas is that it’s a popular destination for tourists and locals. Many people ride motorcycles on the roadways and highways throughout Las Vegas and Clark County every day. There will likely be some incidents where bikes collide with other vehicles or pedestrians.
Another reason for motorcycle accidents and property damage in Las Vegas is that some people don’t take proper precautions. They may not wear protective gear like headlights, helmets, or other safety equipment. This can increase their chances of injury if they crash with another vehicle or pedestrian.
What Happens in Las Vegas, Stays in Las Vegas
- If you sustain serious injuries because of someone else’s negligence, you need an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer in Las Vegas. Look to the Personal Injury Center to help you find one!
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What is causing the crashes?
Motorcycle accident cases in Las Vegas have been a topic of concern for many years. Several factors contribute to these crashes, including the construction of new roads and highways and the aging city infrastructure. According to Nevada’s Traffic Safety Crash Fact sheet, 70% of these accidents happened in urban areas. Surprisingly, a majority of them were driving along a straight road.
In the same 2020 crash fact sheet, the following has caused motorcycle accidents in Las Vegas:
- Motor vehicles struck by another vehicle while maneuvering straight
- Motor vehicle striking a fixed object on the road
- No helmet and other safety gear
Here are some of the causes of motorcycle accidents in Las Vegas:
Dangerous Road Conditions
The city is known for its sunny weather, but that doesn’t mean it’s always safe to drive. Fatalities and traffic accidents are steadily increasing in Las Vegas. This is not a coincidence. It’s a fact that the surrounding areas of Sin City are a few of the most dangerous in the world.
Las Vegas is where people go when they want to get wild, let loose, and forget about common sense. This is the reason why drivers are advised to practice defensive driving. This mentality, mixed with long unlit, remote highways, unexpected wildlife, and winding mountain passageways, increases the risk of accidents.
If you’re driving around Las Vegas, you need to pay careful attention to the following destinations considered the most dangerous:
- The Las Vegas Strip: This is considered the “Vegas” of the stereotypes and movies where drunk driving is quite common. Studies show that 42% of Las Vegas drunk driving cases happen here.
- I-15: This is one of Nevada’s deadliest roads because of the number of people entering and exiting the city on weekends. The 181-mile route between Los Angeles and Las Vegas witnessed over 800 accidents in the past 15 years.
- Red Rock Canyon Loop: This scenic road runs for about 12.4 miles, with steep grades, high elevations, and stunning views. This one-way road can easily congest with motorcyclists, climbers, bikers, hikers, snakes, lizards, and wild burros. You have the perfect conditions for a fatal crash with steep gradients, sharp turns, and cliffs without guardrails. In summer, the weather could be sizzling hot, leaving hikers and visitors suffering from heat stroke, dehydration, and exhaustion.
Apart from the three main deadly highways in Nevada, motorcycle riders should also pay attention to the following:
- The Boulder Highway or Nevada State Route 582
- U.S. Highway 93
- U.S. Highway 50
- Nevada State Route 431
- Virgin River Gorge
Other than the inherent danger of these roadways, drivers face other potential road hazards, such as dust storms and sandstorms. These can reduce visibility and make it difficult for drivers to see what’s ahead of them.
Poor Decision-Making
Drivers tend to make poor decisions when driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. The same is true when they have emotional problems that interfere with their ability to focus. Some also get into accidents when they’re not paying attention to what’s happening around them.
Some drivers don’t realize that they are impaired by alcohol or drugs and may continue to drive. Other drivers may also be distracted by cell phones, GPS devices, or other gadgets. These can cause accidents since they force you to take your eyes off the road.
Drivers who are emotionally upset may also make poor decisions. Their emotions could keep them from paying attention to traffic conditions and other vehicles on the road.
Another reason drivers make poor decisions is that they don’t take driving seriously. Most believe that they won’t get caught if they commit an offense.
Lack of Driving Experience and Qualifications
Motorcycles are more dangerous than cars, as they offer less protection. However, they can be just as safe if the rider is skilled. Drivers who lack experience or haven’t been adequately trained may not know how to drive safely around other vehicles. They may also not understand how to use their motorcycle’s signaling system correctly or how to react in an emergency.
Motorcycles are also more challenging to operate than cars. With this, those new to riding may be more likely to make mistakes on the road. The same is true for drivers who haven’t taken a class or passed a test to receive their motorcycle license. They may not be familiar with all of the rules governing motorcyclists. They might also be unfamiliar with the following mandatory safety equipment for motorcycle riders in the state of Nevada:
- Back and front brakes
- Back and front turn signals
- Footrest
- Right-level handlebars
- Horn
- Rearview mirrors on both sides of the handlebar
- Brake lights and reflectors that are visible 300 feet away
- Tail lights that are visible 500 feet away
If you were involved in a motorcycle accident in Las Vegas, you need someone who knows Nevada law. In times like this, you need the guidance of The Personal Injury Center. They will help you understand the state’s legal system and your rights. They will also connect you to seasoned Las Vegas personal injury lawyers and help you claim just and full compensation.
Faulty Equipment
Whether it’s mechanical failure or the error of the person driving the vehicle, faulty equipment can cause severe accidents and injuries. It’s easy to forget that motorcycles are not cars, which is why they require special attention for maintenance and upkeep.
A lack of focus or a lapse in judgment can lead to a fatal crash and staggering medical expenses. Automobile drivers should be aware of motorcycles on the road and be prepared when making turns or changing lanes. Motorcycles should also be adequately maintained, regularly inspected, and have all required safety equipment installed and functional.
Common examples include the following:
- Failing to conduct regular inspections and maintenance on your bike. This includes checking tire pressure and tread depth and inspecting your brake pads for wear. Moreover, ensure all fluids are at the correct levels, and your chain is correctly adjusted.
- Using cheap or aftermarket parts that don’t properly fit your bike’s manufacturer’s specifications or design. These parts may not be built to withstand high-stress levels, leading them to break under normal use conditions.

How do cases involving motorbikes proceed?
You may understandably be concerned about your future when you’ve been injured in a motorcycle accident. Won’t you have a hard time returning to work? Will you be able to pay your medical bills? How long will it take for the
The good news is these motorcycle accidents are generally straightforward cases. The process is relatively simple, especially for accident victims. However, several steps are still involved in ensuring you get the motorcycle accident claim you deserve. This chapter of the article will explain how motorcycle accidents are processed and what happens after an accident. The discussion will also highlight why you need the legal advice of a seasoned Las Vegas motorcycle accident attorney.
Determine Who is At Fault
If there is no dispute as to who is at fault, you may directly file your claim and seek the assistance of personal injury attorneys. Otherwise, you’ll need to find out who was at fault and collect evidence to support your claim. These can include eyewitness accounts and photos of the physical damage sustained by your vehicle or another vehicle involved in the accident. Aside from that, you should also have police and medical reports, which could help pinpoint the motorcycle accident’s real cause.
If you’re injured, you must immediately get medical treatment. This will help your case in two ways. First, it’ll show that you were hurt, and second, it’ll serve as valuable evidence.
However, if your injuries weren’t serious enough and you didn’t get medical treatment, consider having a lawyer evaluate your case. An expert can determine whether you have a strong claim against the other party involved in the accident.
Hire an attorney specializing in motorcycle accidents and personal injury cases. They’ll know how best to proceed with your case and how much to claim in compensation for your injuries.
Provide Evidence of Lost Income
The financial burden that comes with a motorbike accident can be devastating. The negligent driver and motorcycle accident victim could suffer similar injuries. However, the court will only award damages to the person who can prove by evidence that the other driver was at fault.
For example, your income may be temporarily stopped while you recover from your injuries. To recover your lost income, you can file a personal injury lawsuit. This is why it’s so important to get the help of a lawyer. They can show the court and
The first step in this process is gathering evidence of lost income, which may include the following:
- Tax returns from the past few years
- Proof of current employment (such as pay stubs) and how much money you make per month or year
- Evidence of other sources of income
Preparation for the Bargaining or Litigation Process
After reviewing all available information about the motorcycle accident, your attorney will determine whether settlement negotiations should be pursued. They will generally suggest this route before filing a lawsuit.
If you cannot settle the matter with the other party, it’s time for litigation, which includes filing a lawsuit and resolving your case through formal court proceedings. Many lawyers now offer free consultations before taking on your case. So it might help if you approach one.
Motorcycle Accident Lawyers Can Help You Get Proper Compensation
Motorcycle accidents may be common, but they shouldn’t be the general rule. Instead, the road should be safe for motorists, pedestrians, and commuters. The city can make roads safer by strictly enforcing traffic rules and encouraging motorists to observe the rules of the road.
However, despite being vigilant on the road, if you or a loved one are involved in an accident, stand up for your rights. Suing the at-fault party for compensation isn’t just about vindicating your rights but also a way to stand up against improper and irresponsible road behavior. If you uphold your rights, you could also set a precedent for observing traffic rules. This may not stop motorcycle and car accidents overnight, but it could remind motorists to be responsible on the road.
If you’re unsure how to start, get in touch with The Personal Injury Center. They have been helping people like you navigate the legal process and fight for compensation. They also have an extensive list of experienced Las Vegas personal injury lawyers in their database. These lawyers can properly represent you at a negotiation table or in court. Call them for a free case evaluation.
Book a consultation now!
FAQs on Motorcycle Accident Lawyers in Las Vegas
What can affect the statute of limitations in Nevada?
Five instances can pause the running of the statute of limitations in Nevada:Â
- Accounting, veterinary, or legal malpractice: The statute gets suspended when the accountant, veterinarian, or attorney conceals the unlawful act, causing the plaintiff's ignorance of such a fact.
- Out-of-state defendant: When the defendant is not within the jurisdiction of Nevada, the statute of limitation also gets suspended.Â
- Injured party's death: You can bring an action against a person's estate one year after their passing. However, there's a specific condition to fulfill to successfully file such an action. The party filing a motion must show that the statute of limitations was still in effect when the deceased passed.Â
- Party to the case is a citizen of the country the U.S. is in armed conflict with: Suppose either party to the case is a citizen of a country at war with the U.S. In that case, the time limit to file a lawsuit is also suspended.Â
Judgment reversal: If the court reverses the lower court's decision, the claims from such reversal should be brought within one year. The reckoning point is the date of reversal.
Can an injured minor file for settlement?
No, a child can’t file a settlement case on their own. Instead, their parents or legal guardians should bring the action on their behalf.
What is Nevada's law concerning motorcycle helmets?
In Nevada, motorcycle riders must wear helmets that meet the U.S. Department of Transportation standards. Failure to comply could result in fines and two demerit points for the at-fault driver.