Turnpike Accident: Multiple Vehicles Involved in Collision on Major Highway

Turnpike Accident: Multiple Vehicles Involved in Collision on Major Highway

Turnpike accidents happen frequently on highways and interstates across the United States and such accidents are caused by various factors such as driver error, poor road conditions, and vehicle malfunctions. Turnpike accidents terribly impact a person’s life and cause serious injuries and property damages.

As per the recent news reports, a turnpike accident took three lives in Portland, Maine on Wednesday night. The accident happened as a result of a gray 2018 Honda Civic overspeeding south on the northbound side of the turnpike, near mile marker 47. 

The driver of the Honda Civic is believed to have hit a Toyota Rav4 head-on, causing the vehicles to burst into flames. The driver of the Toyota Rav4 and two passengers were killed in the accident.

Overview of Turnpike Accidents

Turnpike accidents occur very often across the United States and are caused as a result of several factors. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there were over 36,000 fatalities in motor vehicle accidents in 2022 alone.

In particular, turnpike accidents can be especially dangerous due to the high speeds at which drivers are traveling. Turnpikes are designed to allow for faster travel, but this also means that accidents can be more severe. Additionally, turnpike accidents can cause significant traffic delays, which can have a ripple effect on other drivers and commuters.

Overview of Turnpike Accidents

Some of the most common causes of turnpike accidents are driver error, distracted driving, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol and vehicle malfunctions.

Turnpike accidents happen frequently but they can be avoided if drivers remain alert, avoid distractions and always obey posted speed limits while driving.

In the event of a turnpike accident, it is important to remain calm and contact emergency services immediately and drivers should provide as much information as possible about the accident.

Common Causes of Turnpike Accidents

Turnpike accidents have become a common occurrence mainly due to factors mentioned as follows.

Distracted Driving

One of the leading causes of accidents on turnpikes, drivers who lose focus and are distracted by their phones, passengers, or other activities are more likely to cause accidents. It is important for drivers to stay focused on the road and avoid distractions.


Speeding is the most common reason behind traffic accidents. Similarly, turnpike accidents are also caused when drivers exceed the speed limit and lead to collisions.

Poor Road Conditions

Poor road conditions, such as potholes, uneven surfaces, and debris on the road, can also contribute to turnpike accidents. 

Vehicle Malfunctions

Drivers who do not properly maintain their vehicles face vehicle malfunctions, such as brake failure or tire blowouts which cause turnpike accidents.

Driving Under the Influence

Impaired drivers have slower reaction times and may not be able to make good decisions on the road and that’s why driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol can lead to turnpike accidents. 

It is important for drivers to stay alert, follow the rules of the road, and maintain their vehicles to help prevent accidents.

Impact of Turnpike Accidents

Victims of turnpike accidents and their families face devastating consequences because accidents affect their health and financial conditions. 

Emotional Impact

Those involved in a turnpike accident suffer from emotional distress and may experience post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, and depression. The emotional impact can also be felt by family members and friends of those involved in the accident. 

Physical Impact

Turnpike accidents can cause a wide range of physical injuries, from minor cuts and bruises to severe injuries such as traumatic brain injuries (TBI) and spinal cord injuries (SCI). These injuries can result in significant pain and suffering, and in some cases, permanent disability. The physical impact of an accident can also result in long-term medical expenses and rehabilitation costs.

Financial Impact

Turnpike accidents also affect the ‘pockets’ as one has to bear medical expenses, lost wages, and property damage can result in financial hardship for accident victims and their families. The financial impact may not necessarily be short-term.

In summary, turnpike accidents affect a person’s medical and financial conditions both. The impact of such accidents is felt by the victim as well as their loved ones.

Common Causes of Turnpike Accidents

Safety Measures to Prevent Turnpike Accidents

Turnpike accidents may not always be controllable but they can be avoided if one adopts some of the below mentioned safety measures.

1. Follow Traffic Rules and Regulations

It is an obligation for every driver to follow the traffic rules and regulations to have a safer driving experience. Drivers should obey speed limits, avoid tailgating as well as distractions , and maintain a safe distance from other vehicles.

2. Regular Vehicle Maintenance

Regular vehicle maintenance is essential to ensure that the vehicle is in good condition and can operate safely. Drivers should check the brakes, tires, lights, and wipers regularly. They should also ensure that the vehicle is properly aligned and that the steering is responsive.

3. Wear Seat Belts

Wearing seat belts is one of the most effective ways to prevent injuries in the event of an accident.

4. Drive Defensively

Defensive driving is an effective way as drivers should always be aware of their surroundings and anticipate potential hazards. They should also avoid reckless driving.

5. Stay Alert and Focused

Staying alert and focused is crucial to prevent turnpike accidents. Drivers should avoid driving when they are tired, drowsy, or under the influence of drugs or alcohol. They should also take regular breaks during long drives to avoid fatigue.

Abiding by rules and following the safety measures can help prevent turnpike accidents and ensure safety on roads.

Legal Considerations After a Turnpike Accident

Being involved in a turnpike accident can be a traumatic experience, often resulting in severe injuries ranging from soft tissue injuries like whiplash to fractures and more. In addition to the physical and emotional pain, understanding the legal landscape is crucial. Here are some essential aspects to consider and steps to take after a turnpike accident:

Jurisdictional Issues

Determining which state’s laws apply in accidents occurring on turnpikes spanning multiple states can be complex. Understanding how jurisdiction affects legal processes, statutes of limitations, and potential damages is critical. Seeking guidance from an experienced attorney adept in interstate accidents is essential for navigating these intricate matters.

Comparative Negligence

In cases where multiple drivers may share fault for a turnpike accident, laws governing comparative negligence determine the allocation of damages. Familiarizing yourself with your state’s laws and seeking legal counsel will safeguard your rights and ensure fair compensation.

Statute of Limitations

Each state has a distinct statute of limitations, setting the timeframe within which a lawsuit must be filed. Being aware of your state’s statute of limitations and taking prompt action to protect your legal rights is imperative.

Insurance Coverage

Understanding your insurance coverage and that of other involved drivers is crucial. Coverage may include liability coverage, personal injury protection (PIP), uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage, and more. An experienced attorney can assist in navigating the insurance claims process to secure rightful compensation.

Evidence Preservation

Preserving evidence after a turnpike accident is pivotal for building a strong case. This encompasses capturing accident scene photographs, obtaining witness statements, and preserving physical evidence. Expert legal advice ensures proper preservation and utilization of evidence to your advantage in court.

Injuries Sustained in Turnpike Accidents

Turnpike accidents often result in various injuries, ranging from soft tissue injuries like whiplash to fractures and severe trauma. Understanding the types of injuries that can occur is crucial for medical assessment and legal claims.

Possible Damages and Loss of Income Claims

Individuals involved in turnpike accidents may seek damages for various losses, including medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more. Loss of income claims can significantly impact settlements. Accessing external sources to support discussions on loss of income claims can strengthen legal arguments.

For further insight into the impact of turnpike accidents, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has emphasized the involvement of alcohol-impaired driving in traffic fatalities. According to their statement, alcohol impairment remains a significant factor in turnpike accidents leading to traffic fatalities. [NHTSA statement on alcohol-impaired driving involvement in traffic fatalities](link-to-NHTSA-statement)

In conclusion, turnpike accidents present multifaceted legal challenges that necessitate the expertise of seasoned attorneys. Understanding the legal considerations involved is paramount to safeguarding your rights and securing rightful compensation for damages incurred.

Turnpike Accident Statistics

Turnpike accidents can be devastating, resulting in significant property damage, injuries, and fatalities. According to the Nebraska Department of Transportation, there were 22,249 crashes in Nebraska in 2020, with 246 of those crashes occurring on the turnpike. These accidents resulted in 55 fatalities and 82 serious injuries.

Nationwide, the statistics are even more alarming. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there were 36,096 fatalities in motor vehicle crashes in 2019, and 10% of those fatalities occurred in accidents on limited-access highways like turnpikes.

One of the leading causes of turnpike accidents is driver error. This can include distracted driving, speeding, and driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. In fact, according to the NHTSA, 28% of all traffic fatalities in 2019 involved alcohol-impaired driving.

Another contributing factor to turnpike accidents is inclement weather. Rain, snow, and ice can make driving conditions hazardous, and drivers may not adjust their driving accordingly. In 2019, there were 1,844 fatalities in crashes involving wet pavement, and 668 fatalities in crashes involving snowy or slushy pavement.

To reduce the number of turnpike accidents, it is important for drivers to be aware of the risks and take appropriate precautions. This includes following posted speed limits, avoiding distractions while driving, and driving defensively. Additionally, state and local governments can implement safety measures such as improved lighting, barriers, and increased law enforcement presence to reduce the number of accidents on turnpikes.

Emergency Response to Turnpike Accidents

When a turnpike accident occurs, emergency response teams are dispatched to the scene to provide assistance and care to those involved. These teams are responsible for assessing the situation, providing medical attention, and transporting victims to hospitals if necessary.

One of the first steps that emergency responders take is to secure the scene of the accident. This involves setting up barriers and cones to prevent further accidents and to ensure the safety of those involved in the accident. They also work to clear the roadway as quickly as possible to minimize traffic congestion.

Emergency responders are trained to provide first aid and medical care to those involved in the accident. They assess injuries and provide treatment on the scene, such as stopping bleeding, stabilizing broken bones, and providing oxygen to those who need it. They also transport victims to hospitals if necessary.

In addition to providing medical care, emergency responders also work to investigate the cause of the accident. This may involve taking photographs of the scene, interviewing witnesses, and gathering other evidence that can be used to determine the cause of the accident.

Overall, emergency response teams play a critical role in responding to turnpike accidents. Their quick and efficient response can mean the difference between life and death for those involved in the accident.

Injuries Sustained in Turnpike Accidents

Turnpike accidents can result in a wide spectrum of injuries due to the high speeds involved and the potential for severe collisions. These injuries can range from minor to life-altering and may include:

Soft Tissue Injuries

Whiplash is a common soft tissue injury in turnpike accidents. It occurs due to the sudden back-and-forth movement of the neck, causing strain on the muscles and ligaments.


High-impact collisions on turnpikes can lead to fractures in various parts of the body, including arms, legs, ribs, and more.

Head Injuries

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are a significant concern in accidents, ranging from concussions to severe brain trauma, affecting cognitive abilities and motor functions.

Spinal Cord Injuries

Accidents on turnpikes can cause spinal cord damage, resulting in paralysis or long-term disabilities.

Internal Injuries

Blunt force trauma can cause internal injuries such as organ damage or internal bleeding.

The severity of these injuries can vary, with some requiring immediate medical attention and ongoing care, while others may lead to long-term disabilities impacting an individual’s quality of life.

Possible Damages and Financial Ranges for Claims:

After a turnpike accident, individuals may have legal grounds to sue for various damages incurred due to the accident. These damages can include:

Possible Damages and Financial Ranges for Claims:

Medical Expenses

This includes costs associated with emergency care, hospital stays, surgeries, medications, rehabilitation, and ongoing medical treatment.

Lost Wages and Earning Capacity

Victims may claim compensation for income lost due to inability to work during recovery. Additionally, if the injuries result in a diminished capacity to earn in the future, compensation for lost earning potential may also be sought.

Pain and Suffering

Non-economic damages encompass physical pain, emotional distress, and the diminished quality of life resulting from the accident and subsequent injuries.

Property Damage

Compensation may be sought for damage to vehicles and personal property.

The financial ranges for these damages can vary significantly based on the severity of injuries, the impact on the victim’s life, and other relevant factors. Medical bills, lost income, and ongoing care costs can accumulate into substantial amounts, potentially ranging from thousands to millions of dollars, depending on the specifics of the case.

Recovery and Rehabilitation Post-Accident

To come back to life and live normally, the process of recovery and rehabilitation after a turnpike accident is extremely important. The extent of injuries sustained in a turnpike accident can vary greatly, and so can the recovery process. Rehabilitation may involve physical therapy, cognitive therapy, or both.

Physical therapy is often necessary to help individuals regain their strength, flexibility, range of motion and also helps to reduce pain as well as improve mobility. Rehabilitation may also involve cognitive therapy to help individuals cope with any emotional or mental trauma that may have resulted from the accident.

It is imperative to seek immediate medical attention after a turnpike accident even if the injuries are not visible or severe.  Some injuries such as whiplash may not manifest until days or even weeks after the accident which is why seeking medical attention can help ensure that any injuries are properly diagnosed and treated, and that the recovery process can begin as soon as possible.

In addition to medical treatment, there are steps individuals can take to aid in their recovery. These may include following a healthy diet, getting enough rest, and avoiding activities that may exacerbate any injuries. It is also important to follow any instructions or recommendations provided by medical professionals.

The recovery and rehabilitation process after a turnpike accident can be time-taking and testing but proper medical care can help in speedy recovery. 

Future of Turnpike Safety

The rise in the number of turnpike accidents is alarming and experts are stressing upon adopting safety measures to prevent future tragedies. 

Here are some potential solutions that could be implemented to improve turnpike safety:

1. Automated Safety Systems

Installation of automated safety systems on turnpikes is a potential solution as these systems can have sensors that detect when a vehicle is driving the wrong way or when a driver is falling asleep at the wheel. They could also include automatic braking systems that engage when a driver is about to collide with another vehicle.

2. Improved Road Design

Another solution is to improve the design of turnpikes to make them safer for drivers. This could include adding more lanes to reduce congestion, widening shoulders to give drivers more room to maneuver, and installing better lighting to improve visibility at night.

3. Increased Enforcement

Finally, some experts believe that increased enforcement of existing traffic laws could help reduce the number of turnpike accidents. This could include more frequent police patrols and stricter penalties for drivers who violate traffic laws.

No single solution can completely eliminate turnpike accidents, nevertheless, effective strategies can make turnpikes safer for everyone. By working together, lawmakers, transportation officials, and drivers can help prevent future tragedies on our nation’s turnpikes.

Future of Turnpike Safety

Key Takeaways
  • Turnpike accidents can be caused by a variety of factors, including driver error and vehicle malfunctions.
  • Turnpike accidents can result in fatalities.
  • Safety measures, such as obeying traffic laws can help prevent turnpike accidents.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are common causes of accidents on the turnpike?

There are several factors that can lead to accidents on the turnpike,driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, distracted and reckless driving. Additionally, poor weather conditions also increase the likelihood of accidents.

How should one proceed after being involved in a turnpike accident?

If you are involved in a turnpike accident, it is important to remain calm and assess the situation. Check for injuries and call 911 if medical attention is needed. Move to a safe location if possible, and exchange information with the other driver(s) involved. It is also important to document the accident by taking photos and gathering witness statements.

What steps do authorities take following a fatal turnpike collision?

In the event of a fatal turnpike collision, authorities will typically conduct an investigation to determine the cause of the accident. This may involve collecting evidence, interviewing witnesses, and reconstructing the accident scene. Depending on the circumstances, criminal charges may be filed against the driver(s) involved.

Are there specific areas on the turnpike known for higher accident rates?

While accidents can happen anywhere on the turnpike, there are certain areas like construction zones, areas with heavy traffic and those prone to weather-related hazards have been identified as having higher accident rates.

What legal actions can be taken after a turnpike accident with injuries?

If you are injured in a turnpike accident, you may be able to pursue legal action against the driver(s) responsible. This may include filing a personal injury lawsuit to recover damages such as medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

How does weather impact driving safety on the turnpike?

Weather can have a significant impact on driving safety on the turnpike. Heavy rain, snow, and ice can make the road slippery and reduce visibility, increasing the risk of accidents. Drivers should adjust their speed and driving behavior accordingly when driving in poor weather conditions.

Being involved in a turnpike accident can be devastating for a victim and their family; however, you must not let a tragic incident dictate the course of your life. Reach out to The Personal Injury Centre today on the toll free number 1-800-846-2321 as we will help you heal and come back to life.