In our current day and age, technology is involved in almost every aspect of our lives. There are computers controlling our cars, there are computers on our desks, there are even computers in our phones and on our wrist watches.
We’re more connected than ever before thanks to Wi-Fi, smartphones, and the Internet, and in many cases, these technological wonders even help us live longer healthier lives. However, there are some dangers inherent in using highly complex technology in medical devices; here’s what you need to know about what to be aware of and what to look out for.
What are Device Dangers
You know what a frustrating experience it can be if your smartphone suddenly resets on you, or if your laptop crashes and needs to be rebooted. These instances are more inconvenient than dangerous, but imagine if a medical device used to keep you healthy and alive develops a glitch. What happens then?
There Is No Perfect Technology
Of course, it’s not always the device’s fault. There is no perfect technology after all, and we do have expectations that some devices can and do develop faults and defects. What’s more concerning is where these problems come from – and whether or not a human hand was involved in the process. When human error leads to the wrong functioning of a medical device, this is another thing altogether, and it can often result in someone being held responsible for the failure of a medical device, especially one that was performing a vital function for someone else.
A Multitude of Dangers
When it comes to human error, the bare fact is that there is a multitude of dangers that can be present with medical devices of all varying levels of complexity. Some can be incredibly dangerous, such as a failure to sterilize a medical device that has to be either implanted or inserted into a patient’s body.
Failure to do so opens a patient up to all sorts of harm, including fungal, viral, or bacterial inspections. For patients with compromised immune systems, this can even be deadly, and cases of individuals becoming sick or even dying from infections caught in hospitals and medical centers from unsterilized equipment are all too commonplace. Even if such a device is sterilized properly before being implanted or fitted, the medical staff that makes mistakes during this procedure could end up harming the patient as well.
Meanwhile, some devices may cause harm to patients if they’re not monitored properly, especially if they’re faulty or defective. If medical staff neglect to monitor the device to ensure proper function, medical conditions that these devices are designed to monitor themselves could end up getting worse and placing the patient’s life in danger. Devices that are defective or faulty right out of the box that isn’t exchanged for a different one after medical staff learns of the problem could also lead to negative health effects, as well as could error made in prescribing devices improperly.
Protecting Your Rights
If you or someone you live with might have been injured through the improper use of a medical device by professionals such as doctors or nurses, you need to ensure that your rights are protected. Consult an attorney or a law firm who specializes in medical malpractice, especially when the source is from the improper use of one of these devices, to determine if you should bring a medical device malpractice lawsuit against your care providers or the manufacturers of the device.